Wake Up Wall for Canon of the Netherlands in Deventer
Artist Hedy Tjin makes a mural about De Hanze in the Havenkwartier
From Friday, November 6 to Monday, November 9, 2020, artist Hedy Tjin will be on the vacant lot on the corner of Mr. De Boerlaan and Industrieweg made a new colorful mural. She worked on this mural with the theme "The Hanseatic League" one of the windows from the Canon of the Netherlands. Which you can find at: www.canonvannederland.nl/nl/hanze.
The reason for the project is to familiarize young people with the history from Canon of the Netherlands, which is a source of recognizable life lessons. Partly by making these life lessons personally relevant to their current life and future through empowerment statements. A slogan with which young people can identify themselves and which make them see that they themselves are in control of their future. The lessons from the past become wake up calls for the present.
In addition to Deventer, a mural has been made in Amsterdam, Groningen and Nijmegen, based on a window from the Canon of the Netherlands. The artwork in Deventer will in any case be admired as long as the wall remains and the undeveloped site remains undeveloped.
Briefly something about the artist himself
Hedy Tjin is an illustrator and graphic designer. Besides a fascination for patterns and designs, the influence of cultural and ethnic subjects is also present in her work. Tjin has spent quite some time in Suriname, her father's country of birth. Since then her work has become much more colorful. In addition to her free work, she makes illustrations for, among others, Het Parool, Trouw, the VPRO guide, Viva, and the Surinamese magazine Parbode.
Contribution Street Art Streets.
We have been approached by the Netherlands Open Air Museum to contribute ideas for this project. Hedy Tjin was commissioned by the Open Air Museum to make various wake up walls throughout the Netherlands to promote the CANON of the Netherlands. These murals in Groningen, Nijmegen and Amsterdam include designs from the CANON to show secondary school students that the Canon is a source of recognizable and personally relevant life lessons. In Deventer, the 4th mural with "De Hanze" as the subject has been chosen.
We are very proud that the Dutch Open Air Museum has chosen Street Art Streets as a partner for this important national project.
Info about Hedy Tjin and Photos of other artworks: https://hedytjin.nl/Canon.html
Location: Mr. De boerlaan / Industrieweg
Making of video: https://youtu.be/gm9SW6YkZ7g
Report Hedy Tjin: https://youtu.be/Q_DBGt2LaCA
Parties involved: Open lunch museum Arnhem, Canon of the Netherlands, The Social Club, PUNT, Municipality of Deventer