Railway bridge stairs by Danny Rumble
How do you illustrate the continuous tension between nature and recreation on the banks of the IJssel? The Rotterdam artist Danny Rumbl did it on this object, namely the Railway Bridge stairs, on the sides of the stairs to the Ossenwaard.
Danny Rumbl illustrated the unique natural value of the Ossenwaard by making use of two special bird species that breed in this area. On the side of Deventer you can see an illustrated corncrake (top) and spotted crake (bottom). The colorful flowers and plants are inspired by the flora around the stairs and ensure that the mural fits seamlessly with the beautiful nature reserve.
But even more than an ode to ecology, the artist depicts the sometimes abrasive connection between man and nature. On the side of De Worp, a hare (inspired by the logo of the IJssel landscape) shoots through the legs of a young man or woman who walks through the area in pink shorts. Hopefully this will make visitors and users think when they enter or leave the area.
This mural was commissioned by the Municipality of Deventer as part of the 'Nature Park Deventer IJsseloevers' organized by Street Art Streets.
Project: #Spoorbrugtrap / Nature Park Deventer IJsseloevers
Artist: Danny Rumbl
Location: The stairs on the pedestrian side of the Zwarte Pad railway bridge / railway bridge stairs
Date: May 2019
Made possible by: Municipality of Deventer, Street Art Streets, Bestwerk